Meet Terese Brown

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Terese Brown. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Terese, appreciate you joining us today. Can you share an important lesson you learned in a prior job that’s helped you in your career afterwards?

When I interned at Goldman Sachs & Co., I remember admiring our Managing Director. She was always dressed like a boss and to me it was so bad ass– I wanted to be like her. I remember speaking to her one day and she told me that I didn’t dress like the other interns, I dressed really nicely and she loved that about me. With that, she shared this gem with me:

“Don’t dress for where you are currently stationed in life, dress for the woman you want to become.”

This was something that my director’s mentor originally told her and now I implement this lesson in my business daily by using my designs to inspire women to face their insecurities, and challenge themselves by dressing like the women that they want to become. This means stepping out of their comfort zones, highlighting their talents, and even adding a pop of color to stand out.


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